Why Use E-Portfolios? Applications and examples.
If you think e-portfolios are a tool used only for visual arts and design students in higher education, think again.
What’s Holding Us Back From Being ‘Open’? Why OS and business resilience go hand in hand.
The Open Source vs Proprietary software debate has existed for as long as we can remember and ‘cost of ownership’ is one of the key benchmarks in the battle. Security, support (maintenance) and customisation are the other three. What we see not considered enough, however, are these additional factors: quality, flexibility and resilience.
Six Reasons to Feel Secure with Catalyst Managed Service
The recent Optus data breach is an important reminder that taking data protection very seriously is no longer a better way but the only way for businesses.
IMPORTANT: Recent Security Vulnerability for Moodle Users.
In case you missed this in the Moodle Community News, a friendly reminder for all Moodle users that the fix is now available in Moodle 4.0.3, 3.11.9 and 3.9.16 to ensure the safety of your site.
Do I need to speak with an e-learning consultant?
As you start with an outcome in mind for your e-learning course, activity or curriculum, you may not always know how to get there. Here are some key things to consider...
Can Your University Remain Competitive?
Connectivity, flexibility and innovative technologies that enable that - whether you are dealing with university students or alumni, they expect it all. Help your organisation remain competitive , consider the following.
Security Advisory: Vulnerabilities Reported in Spring Framework for Java
Drupal security against XSS and SQL Injection
How Drupal 9 builds on existing security controls to protect your organisation against XSS and SQL Injection attacks.
Enhanced Drupal security features to build cyber resilience
Learn how to build and protect a complex Drupal website, one that remains resistant to cyber attacks and data breaches.
Getting started with Moodle
Introducing two new Moodle Academy courses to get started with the open source LMS.
Drupal – why it’s the best secure CMS
Popular with universities and governments, Drupal CMS is designed for content heavy, high traffic websites where integration is critical.
Compliance training software that adds value
LMS technology and support services that deliver tailored multi-course compliance programs and certifications day-in-day-out.