Student Privacy in Moodle: how can you make students’ personal information invisible to other students?

“What are the options in Moodle for hiding students’ personal information from other users?” is the question we get asked a lot.

In this blog, we provide you with some “how to” tips, as well as explain Moodle contexts which exist within Moodle sites and are important to differentiate when addressing this. […]

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Common Challenges in Enterprise Software Development and How to Overcome Them.

Custom enterprise software solutions definitely offer more flexibility than off-the shelf products. They are, however, laborious projects that need to tick many boxes. While there will always be some factors that are not in your control, there are definitely measures you can take to reduce some of the common pains including time and budgetary over-runs as well as your team’s stress levels. […]

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Key Considerations When Choosing a Custom Development Partner for Your Enterprise Application.

Location, reputation, price, cooperation and work processes, relevant accreditations and certifications, values – there is a lot to consider when choosing a software development partner for your enterprise custom development project. Here, we’ve summarised some of the key considerations to keep in mind. […]

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Moodle Asset Archiving with Andrew Boag

“Archiving the data and learning content that is housed in Moodle is something that we’ve been talking about more and more with our clients in recent times,” says Andrew Boag, Catalyst IT Australia’s Managing Director. If you didn’t get a chance to attend Andrew’s presentation at the Global Moodle Moot 2023, we have summed up a few key points for you in this blog. […]

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Your Software Provider Goes Down – What’s Your Plan?

Not all businesses survive after a single data breach, let alone a significant supplier end of life. The interruption to your operations, loss of revenue and damage to your brand value is unavoidable, and complete business shut down is not out of the question. You may have a business continuity plan but is that enough? […]

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Moodle Authentication Security with Peter Burnett.

“Security of services on the internet is NOT optional,” stresses Catalyst IT Australia’s Project Manager and Software Developer, Peter Burnett. “Intellectual property (IP) such as training materials and course design, as well as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of users needs to be protected and it’s your organisation’s responsibility to do so.” […]

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IMPORTANT: Moodle 3.9 to 4.1 – why you need to upgrade and what to expect.

Is your organisation currently using Moodle LMS version 3.9 (LTS) , 3.10, 3.11 or 4.0 ? If yes, this important message is for you. Running an unsupported version of software increases the risk of cyber-security attacks and dealing with various bugs, as well as limits your access to latest features that are designed to improve your Moodle LMS performance and your user experience. […]

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Lessons Learned Upgrading the Largest Moodle in the Southern Hemisphere.

After delivering a stand out talk last year (“Performing Brain Surgery on the Beating Heart of Moodle”), Cameron Ball, Catalyst IT Australia’s Senior Developer, was back at the Moodle Moot Global 2023 with yet another impressive presentation – Lessons Learned Upgrading the Largest Moodle in the Southern Hemisphere. […]

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Catalyst Wins Global Partner of the Year and LMS Contributor of the Year 2023 at the annual Moodle Partner Awards.

The global Catalyst team are very proud to have received these very special recognitions at the 2023 Moodle Partner Awards last night – Global Partner of the Year and LMS Contributor of the Year 2023! It’s great to see that the hard work and dedication to the service we provide for our clients, as well as out contributions to the worldwide Moodle community, never go unnoticed! […]

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