Moodle Activities You Should be Using for Better Engagement and Course Experience.

In Moodle, we find many people stick to the tried and true – a page, a file, a quiz or an assignment – simply because that is what they know and are familiar with. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with all the above, they are great tools to use for educators but let’s have a look at a few more which are often forgotten but that are proving to be useful to many teachers around the world… […]

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Your Digital Strategy on a Page – for education providers and learning organisations.

Having contributed to many education providers’ digital transformations over the last 25 years, we have pulled together a basic ‘digital strategy on a page’ checklist which you can download here, and have linked numerous useful blogs within the text that will help you kick start your digital excellence. Click below to start. […]

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Protect Your Enterprise Moodle with 24/7 Support from Catalyst.

2023 marks seven years since the launch of the Catalyst 24/7 Support Model – Follow the Sun. Having been involved in High Availability application design and architecture for many years prior, it was a natural progression to share the lessons we’ve learned with our clients and to develop a standardised, reliable 24/7 support offer. Click below to learn more. […]

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Moodle Analytics and Reporting: what you should be measuring to improve student success.

If you’re an education provider and your learners’ success is one of your key goals, we don’t need to tell you that you cannot do without quality data practices. Getting the right data, making sense of it and acting upon it is key to the continuous improvement of your practices and your students’ success. There are several ways to track student progress in Moodle and beyond. Click below to learn more. […]

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Data analytics and Moodle, getting access to your data.

One of the many advantages of using an open source product like Moodle with a company like Catalyst, is we believe that your LMS data is yours. Over the years, we have had several clients come to us asking for copies of their LMS data in different formats. It often comes as a surprise that we are able to facilitate this at all, and we suspect that some don’t ask at all for what they need thinking its impossible. […]

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Does your digital strategy empower your business goals, or hinder them?

The P’s – PEOPLE. PURPOSE. PROFIT. – are important but how effective and efficient you can be in achieving the bigger goals under each of those strategic pillars, will increasingly depend on the decisions you make around investments in and the use of technologies. 10 things we noted for you at THETA 2023… […]

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